Storyboard Pro gives you everything you need to storyboard your episodic, advertising, film, and other creative projects. It's the storyboarding program that thousands of studios and individuals use worldwide. To promote the lastest software upgrade, we produced a 2 minute promo video starring an Emmy Award winning artist from The Simpsons and lead story artist form Disney TV.
WORK: Pre Production
Post Production
2 min Promo Clip
15 sec Social Media Clip
CREDITS: Erick Tran - Director/Producer
Bryan Carillos - Additional Camera
Storyboards by - Chavvo Animation Studios
Music - Alan Villatoro
Motion Graphics - Carlos Jimenez
Location - My Other Office / Burbank
Location Manager - Ingrid Rushing

15 sec Promo Version
2min Promo Extended Version
2min Promo Extended Version
2min Promo Extended Version